Price: $
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Volume Normalizer Master


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Simple tool to adjust the volume of multiple audio and video files

A4Video |
updated on August 28, 2019
15.4mb | shareware


Adjust the volume of multiple audio and video files
Make quiet audio or video file louder
Make a group of audio and video files to aproximately the same volume level


Unable to test specified actions, before they are applied
Simple tool, with not a lot of features
Volume Normalizer Master
Price: $
Volume Normalizer Master is a simple tool, that helps you adjust the volume of multiple audio and video files. You can adjust the volume of each file separately or to all files at once. If you will normalize the volume to each file separately, than each file will have the volume amplified to the maximum. If you will normalize the volume collectively, than all the output files will have the volume normalized to similar values.

When starting the program, you will first have to select, which files you want to be processed. This can be done manually, or the program can automatically scan selected folder for supported files. Different video and audio formats are supported, including wmv, mp3, wav, mpg, ogg, avi and others. Next, you will have to select output folder and how the files should be processed.

Volume can be normalized by either RMS amplitude, peak level or it can be changed directly. Files normalized separately can be normalized by RMS amplitude or by peak level. If you will normalize the files collectively, you can have the program normalize the volume by weighted or arithmetic average of all selected files. By adjusting the volume directly, you can specify for each file to be adjusted to the same percentage, or to the same decibel level.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• P166 64M

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages



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